Quality Policy
The primary goal of The Cyprus Shipping Company Limited is to consistently provide top quality services to all its clients, whether ship owners or disponent owners or operators or ship managers or forwarding agents or importers / exporters. Furthermore, to ensure compliance with applicable specifications, codes of practice, standards, regulatory and other set requirements by interested parties.
For the achievement of this goal, both management and personnel are committed to the following:
- Application of a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001:2015, continually measuring and evaluating its effectiveness and undertaking its improvement, as and where needed.
- Establishment of measurable Quality Objectives relating to the performance of the company and of its various functional areas and systematic evaluation of their achievement.
- Regular investigation of customers’ satisfaction and expectations, as well as investigation of major competitors and the market and improvement of service offering based on outcome.
- Application of controlled processes, procedures and work methods, and continual upgrade of them.
- Establishment and application of appropriate controls to ensure the conformance of all services offered to set specifications.
- Ensure the suitability of resources and means used in the process and delivery of all services offered.
- Appointment of competent personnel and provision of additional training and support to personnel, to continually ensure top work performance capability.
Based on the company’s proven performance over decades and relying on the strong commitment of all personnel for continual improvement, the management of The Cyprus Shipping Company Limited aims to satisfy the expectations of each and every client relating to service quality and maintain its current position in the market.